Support Us on Patreon

One of the best ways to get actively involved in the community, is to support us on Patreon! For a few bucks, we offer tons of ways to become more active in shaping the content of the shows.

  • For Dungeons & Drimbus patron exclusive rewards include getting shout outs in the credits, having NPCs named after you, creating items that will be available for our heroes to purchase, and more!
  • For Should I Buy It, Though? rewards include patron-exclusive livestreams, access to first-impression reviews as soon as games release, and the ability to vote on what games we'll review next!
  • Both shows grant our supporters access to our Discord where you can chat about the shows and participate in special community events like AMAs and polls

Click on either show to see more!

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We want our shows to feel like a conversation with all of you! So be sure to reach out to us social media!